Beam Inpatient Operating System is here to transform your inpatient program. No fluff. Only accountability and structure.

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Implement a culture focused on making daily progress that moves the organization forward and increases the patient retentions and program capabilities

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Create a team that can Leverage each other to maximize the total output and efficiency is our goal. Team over individuality.

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The foundation of BIOS is based optimizing daily clinical workflows and establishing bimonthly administrative sprints focused on execution.

Genuine Accountability

Starts and continues with open conversation.

“They want you to be successful, they are going to hold you accountable to what your promises are so that you can achieve your objectives that you are looking to achieve.
John Hughson
CEO at Frio Regional Hospital

Focus of BIOS

Ultimately its about creating the highest positive impact at a program and community level.

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Elevate the care with higher volumes.

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Create a culture of innovations.

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One that creates leverage for each other.

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Recognize talents and challenge.

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Culture of debating openly and honestly.

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Focused Progress

Through patience and perseverance.

Here’s what our great customers say


Beam's genuine desire to see you to be successful. Dr. Patel and his team certainly lives their mission, and that desire to help you to be the better hospital, and the best hospital that you can be to serve your community at the highest level possible. They want you to be successful, they are going to hold you accountable to what your promises are so that you can achieve your objectives that you are looking to achieve.

John Hugson
CEO Frio Regional Hospital

“Pretty Easy Decision ”

Beam really stepped up for us over the past two years. Stabilization of the core team led by Dr. Menet, enhanced performance and responsiveness by the Tele-nocturnist, the partnership with our individual Specialists and ED Providers, support of Nursing staff and a sincere drive to retain as many patients as we can made this a pretty easy decision. Add to that Dr. Patel's Clinical Leadership through the Pandemic and we're off and running for another five years."

Dan DeGroot
CEO | Stoughton Health

"Quality care right here at home"

This has been an amazing addition to our services we can provide here on campus at RAMC.  It affords us the opportunity to provide specialized care to the patients in our community who suffer from lung disease.  These patients can receive quality care right here at home.

Jennifer Horkan
Director of Respiratory Therapy at RAMC

Ready for growth? We are happy to get you there...

Let us help you grow your clinical programs with quality and accountability.